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App for indoor navigation. CMX Integration. CMX. CMX API. LIPI server. MazeMap. Cisco Enterprise WiFi Infrastructure. Positioning request.
MazeMap provides indoor way-finding functionalities designed for large building complexes, such as universities, hospitals, conference venues, shopping malls, offices, and airports. MazeMap is providing the base map services as well as a flexible API interface for TurnoutNow to place pin markers on the whereabouts of topic experts in The Hub area. TurnOutNow is leveraging the CMX location zones to get information on which zones the experts are present in, and placing pin markers on a base MazeMap map illustrating where they are. The MazeMap URL API is also the easiest way to embed a minimal map view of a particular POI such as a building, faculty, reception desk or an office. Predicated on the frameworks of AI and ML, MazeMap is ten times more accurate than manually designed indoor maps and consists of high-quality images that can be easily exported in other formats. This is a short video of MazeMap indoor and campus mapping and wayfinding solutions.
MazeMap leverer en digitalt cloud baseret wayfinding løsning, der er nemt at bruge og implementere. Receptionen sparer masser af tid med at guide folk, studerende har ikke længere problemer med at finde lokalerne og gæster kan nemt finde vej til mødelokalet.
The purpose of this page is to get you started with the MazeMap API and show you some examples of what can be achieved. 1.
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Facility. Mazemap visar vägen på sjukhuset i Umeå. About: #US-Stürmer Justin Abdelkader #Umeå · 360° Overview · Team Thorengruppen SKIBF Falun: Har varit en Mazemap. En karttjänst för att navigera och hitta i universitetets lokaler. Canvas maskingränssnitt (API) är öppet dokumenterat30 och baserat på tekniska. Exempel är arbete med hemsidan, vägvisningssystemet Mazemap samt utveckla andra administrativa processer. 08.46.
Make indoor routes and share map views to help people find their ways around campus! 2015-09-09
Mazemap JavaScript API Purpose. The Mazemap JavaScript API allows enterprise customers to easily build highly-customizable web applications using Mazemap maps and data. At its core, the Mazemap JS API builds on top of the LeafletJS library. Indicates the version of the MazeMap JS API, e.g. "1.0.6". leafletVersion: String: Indicates the LeafletJS version bundled, e.g.
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Mazemap JavaScript API Purpose. The Mazemap JavaScript API allows enterprise customers to easily build highly-customizable web applications using Mazemap maps and data. At its core, the Mazemap JS API builds on top of the LeafletJS library.
While we do carry our own native applications for iOS and Android, we have designed our map platform to be easily integrated into your own apps too. Javascript API 2.0
Find any room with MazeMap.
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Har du noen gang gått deg vill i store bygningskomplekser? Denne appen lar deg finne frem og bli guidet rett til rommet du skal til – dør for dør, korridor for korridor, trapp for trapp, etasje for etasje. Raskt, enkelt og helt fram. Ved å bruke en kombinasjon av WLAN triangulering og GPS-posisjonering gir vi deg din nøyaktige posisjon enten du er innendørs eller utendørs. Med With MazeMap you can access over 20 000 rooms at our covered locations. You can either use search to locate specific destinations or e.g. find the closest computer room.
Episode 03: A cup of coffee with...
Add the necessary files and DOM stuff Add the following files to your MazeMap Data API MASTER RECORD Mapping Geography MazeMap provides indoor way-finding functionalities designed for large building complexes, such as universities, hospitals, conference venues, shopping malls, offices, and airports. This is the documentation for the public URL API used in the MazeMap web application. MazeMap API integrates indoor mapping and navigation with applications. MazeMap provides indoor way-finding functionalities designed for large building complexes, such as universities, hospitals, conference venues, shopping malls, offices, and airports.
MazeMap provides indoor way-finding functionalities designed for large building complexes, such as universities, hospitals, conference venues, shopping malls, offices, and airports. This platform supports multiple information sources, works with facility management systems, and supports timetables and booking Check if your browser supports the lates MazeMap API with Web GL. Go to tool . Draw GeoJSON. Draw lines, points, and polygons on top of MazeMap and get a geojson containing the those geometries.