Information enligt REACH EC 1907/2006 - Univern.

The 8 new substances and their common uses are: # More people are suffering from allergies than ever before. Some man-made chemicals cause them, but so can naturally occuring allergens like pollen, plants and food. ECHA: Update candidate list 25.06.2020 Helsinki, 25 giugno 2020 Aggiunte tre sostanze che sono tossiche per la riproduzione ed un disgregatore endocrino. L'elenco dei candidati di sostanze estremamente problematiche (SVHC) ora contiene 209 sostanze che possono avere effetti gravi sulle persone o sull'ambiente. REACH candidate list and the SIN List 1.0 Posted on 08 October 2008 On October 8th 2008, the Member State Committee of the European Chemicals Agency agreed on 15 chemicals of very high concern which will be placed on the first official REACH candidate list later this month. La CE chiede ad ECHA di predisporre un fascicolo per le sostanze, a suo giudizio,. S.V.H.C.

Candidate list echa

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59 REACH). På basis av tillgänglig data Europeiska kemikaliemyndighetens (ECHA) webbplats. - Databas över  Currently, ECHA is conducting a review report regarding the latest scientific evidence the list (please see below) and allow the use of DINP and DIDP in the of Very High Concern), and it is included in the candidate list. Other numerical identifiers: For those entries with "-" in the EC number and CAS number columns, a non-exhaustive inventory of EC and/or CAS Registry numbers describing substances or groups of substances considered to fall within the scope of the Candidate List entry is included, where practicably possible. This information can be accessed through the "Details" button of the selected entry. The information on Candidate List substances is provided in SCIP notifications by using a IUCLID reference substance entity.

According to Article 33 of the REACH Regulation, information about the existence of substances of the Candidate List for Authorisation in  L'ECHA ha aggiunto quattro nuove sostanze estremamente preoccupanti (SVHC ) alla “Candidate list”, che ora contiene 173 sostanze. Nella tabella le quattro  3 feb 2020 Il 16 Gennaio ECHA ha reso nota l'inclusione di quattro ulteriori sostanze all' interno della lista delle sostanze candidate all'autorizzazione  6 Mar 2020 The deadline to submit comments is April 17. ECHA is expected to announce the final decision about the inclusion of these substances in June,  17 dic 2014 Il fluoruro di cadmio e il solfato di cadmio sono state aggiunte alla Candidate List per le loro proprietà CMR (cancerogene, mutagene e tossiche  Servizi di Notifica al SCIP DATABASE dell'ECHA per gli articoli che contengono sostanze SVHC (Substance Very High Concern).


The database will comprise information submitted by companies producing, importing or selling articles that contain Candidate List substances. Candidate List substances in articles. K O R T F A T T A D V Ä G L E D N I N G Krav för ämnen i varor Syftet med dokumentet är att på ett enkelt sätt förklara de  very high concern identification · Back to the List. 4-tert-butylphenol.

Anmälan av ämnen i varor - ECHA

REACH SVHC Candidate list updated.

Candidate list echa

The inclusion in the Candidate List brings immediate obligations for suppliers of the substance, such as: supplying a safety data sheet; communicating on safe use; responding to consumer requests within 45 days and; notifying ECHA if the article they produce contains an SVHC in quantities above one tonne per producer/importer per year and if the substance is present in those articles above a concentration of 0.1% (w/w). The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published the new REACH Candidate List on June 25, 2020: Four Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) were added to the list. The Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorization now contains 209 substances. The newly added substances have many different uses. Information on Candidate List substances in articles.
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Point's systems reacted immediately to the new  21 Jan 2021 They were added to the Candidate List as they are toxic for reproduction and therefore, may adversely affect sexual function and fertility, and  ECHA Candidate List.
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4-tert-butylphenol - Registry of SVHC intentions until - ECHA

One of the main aims of this listing process is to phase out SVHCs Unfortunately, ECHA has not been clear enough in saying that industry would need to phase out harmful chemicals to comply with the legislation. This has led to many companies not starting their phase-out work in time. When a chemical is added to the Candidate List, it should be clearly communicated that it will need to be phased out. The ECHA website is temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. In urgent cases, please submit your question through the contact form.You can also call the ECHA Switchboard: +358 9 6861 80. ECHA has added the substance PFHxS to the Candidate List.

Four new substances added to the Candidate List - All - ECHA

Notes: - Authentic version: Only the Candidate List published on this website is deemed authentic. can be identified as "substances of very high concern" (SVHC) and put on the "candidate List for authorization" which is also called "REACH SVHC list". EU producers or importers of articles which contain substances on the SVHC list in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) have obligations under Article 33.1 of REACH: The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published the new REACH Candidate List on June 25, 2020: Four Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) were added to the list. The Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorization now contains 209 substances. The newly added substances have many different uses.

EU REACH – ECHA Announces Addition of SVHCs to Candidate List. Vol. 1052 | January 16, 2019. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the addition of 6 new Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) to the Candidate List. The substances are detailed below for reference. # EU REACH – ECHA Announces Addition of 2 SVHCs to Candidate List. Vol. 1216 | January 21, 2021.