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and radical scavenger that may participate in the Together with his colleague, Bo Åkerström, professor of infection medicine, Stefan Hansson started the studies on A1M several years ago and observed that A1M stopped the leakage of protein in the kidneys. They also saw that the placenta was repaired and that the destroyed structures in the cells’ smallest components were restored. A1M Pharma: Historical Milestones 1974 - Bo Åkerström, one of the company's founders, initiates research on the endogenous protein A1M. 2008 - The company is founded as Preelumina AB with the purpose of developing new treatments and diagnostics for preeclampsia. 2010 - Preelumina AB changes its name to A1M Pharma.

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microglobulin/A1M in human rhegmatogenous retinal detachment Martin Cederlund1, Fredrik Ghosh2, Karin Arnér2, Sten Andréasson2, Bo Åkerström1 Divisions of 1Infection medicine and 2Ophthalmology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Corresponding author: Bo Åkerström, Division of Infection Medicine, Department of Supervisor: Bo Åkerström Half-time review Protective functions of a A1M is encoded by the A1M-bikunin precursor (AMBP) gene and is mainly synthesized in the Nuförtiden är Bo Åkerström själv professor – i medicinsk kemi vid Lunds universitet. Lyssna på berättelsen om forskarkarriären där det lilla proteinet A1M hela tiden varit i fokus. Lyssna via Libsyn! Lyssna via iTunes!

Studierna bedrivs i samarbete mellan professor Åkerström och A1M Pharma. A1M, an extravascular tissue cleaning and housekeeping protein Bo Åkerström n , Magnus Gram Division of Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden 2015-02-03 2014-09-01 A1M Pharma meddelar att bolagets medgrundare Bo Åkerströms forskargrupp har tilldelats ett anslag om 1,2 MSEK från Vetenskapsrådet.

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18, 2017 A1M is synthesized by all cells, distributed in all body fluids, and has a high turnover rate. A1M is a member of the lipocalin family and has an active thiol group with a high reducing potential. A1M operates by clearing tissues from radicals and heme groups, and restoring oxidation lesions. 2020-11-26 Sweden stands up for open access – cancels agreement with Elsevier LUBcat LIBRIS Borrow LU card Computers & networks Copying, scanning & printing Study spaces & reading rooms Lockers and trolleys Order digitizations Find your way around To Lund University Lund University Libraries Book a seat in the Special Collections Reading Room FAQ Opening hours Abstract Aims: During cell death, energy-consuming cell degradation and recycling programs are performed.

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The protein was discovered 40 years ago and its physiological role remained unknown for a long time. A series of recent publications have demonstrated that A1M is a vital part of tissue housekeeping. Bo Åkerström's 186 research works with 5,544 citations and 7,942 reads, including: biomolecules-11-00263-ag.png. Human A1M (alpha-1-microglobulin) is a reductase and radical- and heme Bo Åkerström is a Professor of Medical Chemistry since 2000, currently Head of the Division of Infection Medicine at Lund University. Major focuses of research activity: 1) study properties, molecular mechanisms and therapeutic applications of the human antioxidation protein alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M), 2) study molecular mec hanisms, pathological mechanisms, and physiological defense Mr. Bo Åkerström is an Independent Director at A1M Pharma AB and a Partner at Rim & Reson Musikproduktion HB. He is on the Board of Directors at A1M Pharma AB and Preelumina Diagnostics AB. Alpha-1-microglobin (A1M), referred to as a “cleaner” protein by Dr. Bo Åkerström, Professor of Medical Chemistry at Lund University in Sweden, prevents the oxidation of blood fats and can even repair blood fats that have already been oxidized, according to a recent study.

Bo åkerström a1m

Om Helena väljs in i styrelsen är jag övertygad om att hon kommer vara en värdefull tillgång i det fortsatta ledningsarbetet, säger A1M Pharmas styrelseordförande Martin Austin.
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Studierna bedrivs i samarbete mellan professor Åkerström och A1M Pharma. Finally, A1M bound to purified collagen I (K(d) = 0.96×10(-6) M) and could inhibit and repair the destruction of collagen fibrils by heme and reactive oxygen species.

A1M Pharmas forskning och grundare Bo Åkerström uppmärksammad i Redox Society. Det var för flera år sedan som Stefan Hansson och Bo Åkerström, med A1M och såg att A1M gjorde att proteinläckaget i njurarna upphörde.
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The cysteine 34 residue of A1M/1-microglobulin is essential for protection of irradiated cell cultures and reduction of carbonyl groups. Rutardottir, Sigurbjörg; Nilsson, E J C; Pallon, Jan; Gram, Magnus; Åkerström, Bo Published in: Free Radical Research DOI: 10.3109/10715762.2013.801555 2013 Link to publication Citation for published Together with his colleague, Bo Åkerström, professor of infection medicine, Stefan Hansson started the studies on A1M several years ago and observed that A1M stopped the leakage of protein in the kidneys. They also saw that the placenta was repaired and that the destroyed structures in the cells’ smallest components were restored. Alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M) is a small protein found intra- and extracellularly in all tissues of vertebrates.

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Bo Åkerström i  Stefan Hanssons forskarpartner Bo Åkerström har forskat på A1M i över 30 år och de har tillsammans utvecklat den behandling mot preeklampsi som nu alltså  Det är proteinet A1M, alfa-1-mikroglobulin, ett naturligt och Bakom upptäckten står en forskargrupp ledd av Bo Åkerström, professor vid  Bo Åkerström discovered the scientific basis for the presenting A1M Pharma. Moreover, you can listen to the recently listed Alzheimer company  Det är proteinet A1M, alfa-1-mikroglobulin, ett naturligt och kroppseget protein som gör jobbet. Bakom upptäckten står en forskargrupp ledd av Bo Åkerström, pr.

Tillsammans med några kollegor har han startat två företag, Preelumina Diagnostics och A1M Pharma.