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Plug and Play, True. enligt förordning (EG) nr 1907/2006 (REACH), ändrad genom 2015/830/EU epoxipropoxi)fenyl]prop an. 1675-54-3. PNEC utgör en fara vid aspiration och är märkta med R65 eller H304. 4. elektronisk utrustning (RoHS) - bilaga II. Våra produkter kan tillverkas enligt normerna FCC, CE, ROHS, REACH, Prop 65 etc. Vi är för närvarande på väg att erhålla för mer certifieringar eller revisioner  FEATURES: UL 1037 certifierad för fysisk styrka och säkerhet; REACH, RoHS och Prop 65 kompatibel; Bransch ledande revisionspår (500 events); Flash minne  Uppfyller standarder: CA Prop 65.

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ECHA Compliance, and California Proposition 65 Compliance This statement clarifies Virginia Panel Corporation’s compliance with Directive EU 2015/863 of European Parliament and the council of 4 June 2015 on restrictions of use of certain hazardous substances in Prop 65, REACH, and RoHS Click the links below to view, save or print. Prop 65 Letter – Regarding King Plastic Corporation’s products and the State of California Proposition 65 reporting requirements. Certificate of Compliance: RoHS; China RoHS; EU REACH; California Proposition 65; Asbestos-free; Ozone Depleting Substances & Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm Convention) EU RoHS 3 & China RoHS 2 . Binder Metal Products, Inc. certif.

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Vi undersöker  Kabeln uppfyller kraven i RoHS-direktivet (2011/65/EU”RoHS2”) och tillägget (2015/863/EU ”RoHS3”). REACH-information Nexans Sweden AB uppfyller kraven  application of Global Regulatory Compliance laws, directives, and automotive industry-specific safety regulations (e.g., RoHS, REACH, CA Prop 65, SCIP… 6 Prop 2013/14:39 a.a. SOU 2000:53 Stockholm: Fritzes; Prop 2000/01:65.

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Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (known as “Proposition 65”). Jun 25, 2020 Items certified as RoHS Compliant are REACH, 3TG, Cal Prop 65, RoHS, RoHS II (2) and RoHS 3 Compliant meaning that they do not contain  This statement confirms that Switchcraft is aware of the requirements of California Proposition 65 (the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986). It is   Oct 18, 2018 California Proposition 65 – The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, 1986 RoHS & REACH Compliant part numbers: (List your  Approvals, Certifications & Product Documentation. Anvil and Smith-Cooper pride ourselves on being compliant with even the most stringent regulations.

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Alien Technology, LLC declares under its sole responsibility that Higgs™ IC’s and Higgs™ based RFID inlays and labels are compliant with the following directives of the European Union: 2018-02-20 RoHS, REACH, Prop 65, etc. Ever changing, and increasingly demanding, substance regulations like RoHS and REACH continue to challenge manufacturers. As the industry's go-to expert, DCA understands RoHS, REACH and other environmental (and social) requirements, and can help you comply efficiently and effectively. Read more about RoHS » 2021-02-11 Are Taiyo Yuden ceramic capaictors compliant with EU RoHS Directive and REACH Regulation?
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The following declaration meets or exceeds the requirements of: the European Union RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC, 2011/65/EU, EU 2015/863), the European Union Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, the Ministry of Information Industry Order #39 of the Peoples Republic of China Anvil Figure 65 Light Duty Adjustable Clevis Hanger Anvil Figure 171N Ball Valve; AnvilPress™ Stainless Steel Ball Valves; AnvilPress™ Stainless Steel Fittings; Product Statements: Allergen Statement Anvil Lubricants; RoHs Statement; REACH Statement; Prop 65 Declaration EU RoHS Directive – China RoHS – EU REACH – California Prop 65 .

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RoHS, Reach, ECHA, and Proposition 65 Compliance Statement 1. RoHS, Reach. ECHA Compliance, and California Proposition 65 Compliance This statement clarifies Virginia Panel Corporation’s compliance with Directive EU 2015/863 of European Parliament and the council of 4 June 2015 on restrictions of use of certain hazardous substances in Prop 65, REACH, and RoHS Click the links below to view, save or print.

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Ruta 2. Det första ROHS-direktivet (2002/95/EG) trädde i kraft 2006. i detta material är listade av IARC, NTP, eller CA Prop 65 som Ämnen som inger mycket stora betänkligheter (SVHC) enligt REACH, artikel 57: luftfart.

Mar 4, 2021 China RoHS; Korea RoHS; Vietnam RoHS. NORTH AMERICA: US Conflict Minerals; California Proposition 65. Due diligence is defined by the  The deadline for compliance with the new obligations was 30 August 2018. Businesses operating and distributing products in California, and their suppliers, must  as China, Taiwan, EAEU, and UAE RoHS Regulations.